Georgia Bedford - Headshots for a University of Pittsburgh Professor

“The retouching is beautifully done. I have never before been pleased with a photo of myself.”

~ Georgia Bedford

I cannot express how happy I was to hear these words! Thank you!

Georgia needed a passport photo for her business travels and a formal headshot as a professor at the University of Pittsburgh where she teaches Communication Process, Argument, Public Speaking and Interpersonal Communication. We rushed the editing and retouching of these two portraits as Georgia needed them within 2 business days.   

Georgia Bedford, PhD was referred to me by her brother, a Certified Engineer, who was very happy with his portrait session. As with Sherman, we created a few informal portraits for Georgia in addition to her formal headshots. Love how graceful and confident she looks. I hope you can see her inner beauty and integrity reflected in these photographs.


Business relocation announcement:

If you are planning to book a photo session with me for high school senior pictures, family portraits or business headshots, please reserve your spot before mid-May 2022 as our family will be relocating from Pennsylvania in June. I will still be able to deliver digitals, prints and albums from our new home wherever it may be. 


Actor’s Portfolio: Sajen Schuchert


Winter Mini Session at Phipps for Leanne Elliott and her family