Homecoming Dance 2021 at Valley Brook Country Club

Homecoming Dance 2021 at Valley Brook Country Club

“Thanks so much for your time and talents! 😊” ~ Stacy Hurt, Griffin’s mother

“Thank you so much!” ~ Heidi Colombo, mother of Jonathan

“Looks beautiful! So excited!” ~ Hazel Bigdeli-Golestan, Nikki’s mother

“Thank you!” ~ April Cordle, Alexandra’s mother

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Alexandra Cordle in Sewickley Academy’s Fall Play “12 Angry Jurors”

Alexandra Cordle in Sewickley Academy’s Fall Play “12 Angry Jurors”

Alexandra Cordle as Juror 3 in Sewickley Academy’s Fall theater play running October 21st-24th 2021.

Alexandra is a junior at Sewickley Academy. She has been participating in theatre since childhood, and this is her third fall play! Though Alexandra has been doing school virtually for two years, she has participated in theatre nonetheless.

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