Sewickley Academy’s Tech Crew
Sewickley PA, Portrait, Pittsburgh Karina Sewickley PA, Portrait, Pittsburgh Karina

Sewickley Academy’s Tech Crew

Tech Crew led by Nathan Bell in Sewickley Academy’s 2022 Senior School Musical “Urinetown”.

Top Row, Left to Right: Zachary Elkin, Michael Gorloff, Landon Dishart, Leo Farmerie, Brendan Ohr, Lila Cox, Aysu Turkay

Middle Row, Left to Right:  Colleen Busher, Kathryn Colwell, Alisha Mattson (Stage Manager), Ella Sanfilippo, Rayna Thakkar

Bottom Row, Left to Right:  Lincoln Riddle, John Shillingsburg, Aiden Rasmussen, Omar Malik

Not Pictured: Luke Miller

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Sewickley Academy’s Orchestra

Sewickley Academy’s Orchestra

Orchestra Group led by Brian Buckley and Tim Heavner in Sewickley Academy’s 2022 Senior School Musical “Urinetown”.

Front Row, left to right: Isabella Bock, Sarah Cao, Rebecca Glass, Elim Chen, Marissa Wang, Selena Xiao 

Back Row, left to right: Roshni Thakkar, Tejas Mitra, Xipei Wan, Lia Nicodemo, Aizah Kamal, Rohan Tayur, Gary Peng

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Actor’s Portfolio: Alaina Ohr

Actor’s Portfolio: Alaina Ohr

Alaina Ohr as Poor in Sewickley Academy’s 2022 Senior School Musical “Urinetown” .

Sophomore Alaina Ohr performed in her first senior school musical after a debut in a play last fall. She has previously performed in Sewickley Academy’s middle school musicals and PAC. Alaina’s portrayal of a young mother-to-be is truly adorable.

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Actor’s Portfolio: Ella Tominac-Ural

Actor’s Portfolio: Ella Tominac-Ural

Ella Tominac-Ural as Poor in Sewickley Academy’s 2022 Senior School Musical “Urinetown” .

Ella, a junior, has previously been part of the tech crew in countless high school, middle school, and lower school musicals. Ella also sings in the senior school choir, plays tennis inside and outside of school and writes poetry.

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Actor’s Portfolio: Ryan Scott

Actor’s Portfolio: Ryan Scott

Ryan Scott as Billy Boy Bill in Sewickley Academy’s 2022 Senior School Musical “Urinetown”.

Ryan, a sophomore, performed in his first musical at Sewickley Academy after his debut in a Sewickley Academy’s fall play 12 Angry Jurors. This is Ryan’s 9th high school show, his favorites have been Children of Eden and Anastasia. Ryan sings everywhere he goes, and he also enjoys competing in robotics and teaching students throughout the community.

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Actor’s Portfolio: Logan Carlson

Actor’s Portfolio: Logan Carlson

Logan Carlson as Joseph "Old Man" Strong & Poor in Sewickley Academy’s 2022 Senior School Musical “Urinetown”.

Logan, a sophomore, takes part in every theater production at Sewickley Academy! His ability to transform into strikingly different characters and the way he moves on stage make him one of the most fascinating actors to watch on stage.

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Actor’s Portfolio: Sarah Grand

Actor’s Portfolio: Sarah Grand

Sarah Grand as Soupy Sue in Sewickley Academy’s 2022 Senior School Musical “Urinetown”.

‌Sarah‌ ‌is a Sophomore‌ ‌and this is ‌her‌ ‌fourth ‌Senior‌ ‌School‌ ‌production as a lead dancer!‌ ‌She has also performed in Middle School ‌musicals, as well as ‌various‌ shows‌ ‌with‌ ‌PAC.‌

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Actor’s Portfolio: Grace Armutat

Actor’s Portfolio: Grace Armutat

Grace Armutat as Ms. McQueen in Sewickley Academy’s 2022 Senior School Musical “Urinetown”.

Grace is a junior and she has been part of the cast and crew for all SA productions, including Spelling Bee, Fiddler on the Roof, and 12 Angry Jurors. Outside of theatre, she participates in field hockey, Polyphony Lit literary editing, and Writing Club.

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Actor’s Portfolio: Max Peluso

Actor’s Portfolio: Max Peluso

Max Peluso as Hot Blades Harry in Sewickley Academy’s 2022 Senior School Musical “Urinetown”.

Max, a sophomore, performed in his second SA senior school musical. His previous SA roles include Juror 8 in 12 Angry Jurors, Chip Tolentino in 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee, and Albert Peterson in Bye Bye Birdie. Max also won finalists awards in the 2022 annual international Butler University Vocal Competition for classically trained high schoolers in Indianapolis. Way to go, Max!

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Actor’s Portfolio: Ibrahim Khan

Actor’s Portfolio: Ibrahim Khan

Actor’s portfolio: a headshot and production photos for the musical


Ibrahim Khan as Caldwell B. Cladwell in Sewickley Academy’s Senior School Musical “Urinetown” running on March 3rd-5th 2022.

Ibrahim is a junior and this is his fifth high school production! His past credits at Sewickley Academy include Tevye (Fiddler on the Roof,) Juror 3 (12 Angry Jurors,), William Barfee (25th Annual… Spelling Bee and Jean Passepartout (Around the world in 80 days). I’m proud to have photographed all Ibrahim’s performances!

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Actor’s Portfolio: Milla Dobrovolska-Ivanova

Actor’s Portfolio: Milla Dobrovolska-Ivanova

Milla Dobrovolska-Ivanova as Hope Cladwell in Sewickley Academy’s Senior School Musical “Urinetown” running on March 3rd-5th 2022.

Milla is a senior and this is her first high school production. She performed with the Junior Mendelssohn Choir of Pittsburgh in 2019 and Beauty and the Beast and Les Misérables outside of SA.

She will be attending the University of Chicago in the fall to study Biology and Global Studies. Congratulations, Milla!

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