SnowShow for Lucy Holley, her niece Lily and their dog Bella
“I love the photos!!! They are stunning!”
~ Lucy Holley
Lucy Holley wanted a winter session with her niece Lily and her puppy Bella and initially booked for February when the snow was more likely to stick to the ground. We had to reschedule for the end of March, however, due to Lily feeling unwell and a little medical procedure scheduled for the doggie. I was anxiously checking the weather forecast fearing we would be sinking in mud up to our knees. We were in for a big surprise!
However the weather app showed snowflakes for the day and we went ahead with the session. Little did any of us know that we would get a full scale blizzard, probably one of the heaviest snowfalls of the season. Lucy and Lily braved the cold and we got quite a few “looks” and poses and their little pup was just perfect and gracefully fetched the ball and joyfully played with her little mistress.
The brave and strong get it all - look at Lucy and Lily’s rosy cheeks! Their hair was elegantly windswept and decorated with the snow flakes. None of it was photoshopped, her Majesty Mother Nature was our beauty artist!
Business relocation announcement:
If you are planning to book a photo session with me for high school senior pictures, family portraits or business headshots, please reserve your spot before mid-May 2022 as our family will be relocating from Pennsylvania to Houston, Texas at the end of June. I will still be able to deliver digitals, prints and albums from our new home.